
When to Start Worrying About Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can affect men and women of any age, but do you know when to start worrying about them? With a proper understanding of the condition, how it develops, and what risk factors put one at higher risk for developing varicose veins, you can be proactive about detecting and treating this common circulatory disorder.

Patients suffering from varicose veins can rest assured that Shaheen Vascular in Mountain View, CA is here to help. We are experts in varicose vein care and provide tailored treatments to our patients so they can get back on their feet faster. From information and medical assessment to treatment options, Dr. Raymond Shaheen, MD, FACS, RPVI, RPhS, and our experienced professionals will give you the best varicose vein care available. We understand how varicose veins affect your life, so we strive to provide a complete solution for you.

What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are gnarled, swollen veins that appear most often on the legs. These veins are enlarged and may resemble a twisted rope or cord under the skin’s surface. In addition to creating a visible varicose vein pattern, varicose veins can be uncomfortable and cause aching and heaviness in leg muscles due to reduced blood flow.

Varicose veins develop when tiny valves inside the veins stop working properly and fail to push adequate amounts of blood up toward the heart. This leads to increased pressure within the vein, which causes the vein walls to stretch and allow for the leaking of other fluids. While varicose veins most commonly form in the legs, they can also form in places such as the rectum, pelvis, vagina, uterus, and esophagus.

Risk Factors that Increase the Risk of Developing Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be relatively common and affect anyone, although they are more likely to occur in older adults. The root cause of these swollen vessels is not totally understood, but certain risk factors can increase your chances of developing them, such as the following:

  • Age
  • Family history of varicose veins or a history of blood clots
  • Use of oral birth control pills
  • Hormonal changes during puberty, menopause, or hormone replacement therapy
  • Pregnancy
  • Standing or sitting for long periods
  • Wearing a girdle or clothing that’s too tight
  • Obesity
  • Constipation
  • Sun exposure

What Are Some Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are often considered a cosmetic issue, but they can also indicate other underlying medical problems and even cause discomfort or physical pain. Familiarizing yourself with the warning signs is essential to determine if varicose veins could be an issue. Generally, it is seen in those who stand for prolonged periods; however, varicose veins can occur in any case. Some common symptoms of varicose veins to look out for include the following:

  • Bulging or swollen veins that are visible under the skin
  • Painful and achy legs
  • Swelling in the legs
  • Leg cramping
  • Itching around the affected area
  • Discoloration of the skin or ulcers around the affected area

Varicose veins can be easy to manage if noticed and treated early. In some cases, varicose veins can be extremely painful, increase abnormally, and eventually form blood clots, inflammation, or even sores or ulcers. If left untreated varicose veins may rupture. Thus it is essential to consult with a doctor promptly to get an accurate diagnosis and begin a treatment plan if necessary.

Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be treated in a variety of ways depending on the extent of the issue, such as the following:


Varicose veins are a common and often unwelcome aesthetic issue that can cause pain and discomfort for sufferers. Sclerotherapy is a popular varicose vein treatment that injects a sclerosing chemical directly into the affected veins. Over time, the chemicals bring about scarring, fading, and closure of the varicose vein, resulting in improved appearance and relief from associated symptoms.


This laser vein removal technique uses radio frequency energy to eliminate varicose veins without pain. It has a proven record of providing symptomatic relief for those struggling with this common issue, allowing them to find freedom from the physical limitations that come with it. This advanced technology has quickly become the go-to solution for people looking for effective varicose vein treatment without surgical intervention.

Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive varicose vein treatment using radiofrequency energy to close and seal the vein. The procedure is done under local anesthesia for larger veins, where the wall of the varicose vein is heated using radiofrequency energy, ultimately resulting in an effective closure and sealing of the vein. It’s a virtually painless solution with a much quicker recovery time than traditional varicose vein surgery, making it an excellent option for those seeking varicose vein treatments. 

Other Treatments

Varicose veins can be managed with various treatments depending on the individual’s condition. Compression stockings are one of the most popular varicose vein treatment options. They help promote healthy blood flow to and from the heart while relieving discomfort, pain, and swelling in the affected area. Laser therapy is another varicose vein procedure that utilizes strong light rays to close smaller varicose veins. Lastly, ligation and stripping are varicose vein treatments that involve tying and sealing off the varicose vein using specialized instruments.

Get Professional Varicose Vein Care in Mountain View, CA

At Shaheen Vascular in Mountain View, CA, we are equipped to provide top-notch varicose vein treatments tailored to individual patient needs. Our experienced professionals take a personalized approach to varicose vein treatment and strive for the best outcome for every patient. Give us a call today or reach out online with any queries you may have regarding varicose veins! We are here to help you take control of your varicose vein condition and get back to feeling your best.

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