
The Benefits of Sclerotherapy: Learn more about this treatment

One of the most critical parts of your circulatory system is your veins. If your veins fail to function properly for almost any reason, the result is generally enlarged and bulging veins. Either spider veins or varicose veins can result. Most individuals find these veins both unattractive and often uncomfortable. There are numerous reasons why you may have these veins such as a sedentary lifestyle, genetics, pregnancy, obesity, age and spending a lot of time on your feet. In most cases, spider veins and varicose veins form on the legs, feet or ankles. Spider veins on the face are much less common. Spider veins appear much closer to your skin’s surface than varicose veins and are generally considerably smaller. Fortunately, spider


veins and varicose veins can be eliminated with an effective medical procedure called sclerotherapy.

The treatment involves injecting a special solution into the vein. The damaged vein is injected with a sclerosing agent. This chemical is what eliminates the vein. The consistent improvement of the therapeutic agents and tools have resulted in an effective and proven varicose veins treatment and spider veins treatment for damaged spider veins and varicose veins. The appearance of the veins is diminished as the veins are eliminated. The side effects and pain resulting from damaged veins can be reduced with this treatment. The blood vessel lining is irritated by the sclerosing agent. As your blot starts to clot, the vein will begin to stick together and eventually collapse. Your vein is turned into scar tissue, fading from view over time.


This treatment has been proven to be effective since the original conception during the 1930s. You will speak to a medical specialist during a consultation before your treatment. This is when the determination will be made as to if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Varicose veins often result in discoloration, cramping, pain and itching. Spider veins are not as severe and are generally much smaller. Although varicose veins can form in anyone, they are not as common in men as women. Approximately twenty percent of all adults will be impacted by at least one varicose vein during their life. In 2017, in excess of 324,000 treatments were performed in the United States for either varicose veins or spider veins.

Not everyone is a good candidate for sclerotherapy. Although the treatment is safe if you are using birth control pills, you will not be able to have the procedure if you are pregnant. If you have ever had a blood clot, your eligibility will be based on the cause of the clot, the health of the area potentially being treated, your general health and your individual circumstances. If the vein has a potential use for heart bypass surgery at a later date, the vein cannot be treated. The only exception is if the vein is not usable. Specialized techniques will be used for the injection of the solution into your vein. If the vein is very large, you may feel a cramping sensation for a minute or two. The entire process should take just minutes.

The amount of veins you can have treated during the same session is dependent on the location and size of the veins in addition to your overall medical health. This is an outpatient procedure performed in the comfort of our office. You will be unable to perform any aerobic activities for a set number of days after your treatment. Specific medications need to be avoided before your procedure. You need to tell the medical professional about everything you are taking including over-the-counter medications, supplements, herbs, vitamins and prescription medications. If an antibiotic is recommended prior to your treatment, you will be given a prescription. You must not use any products including powder or lotion on the area being targeted the day of your procedure.

Prior to your injection, you should avoid anti-inflammatory drugs including ibuprofen and aspirin for a set number of days. You can continue using Tylenol. If you experience any side effects, they are mild. This includes some redness at the site of your injections. This will disappear naturally in one or two days. After your treatment, you can drive home and resume most all but aerobic activities. You will be encouraged to walk to promote your circulation. You need to apply compression to the veins you had treated by wearing support hosiery. If you already have this garment from another treatment, bring it with you to make certain you have the necessary compression available. If you are told to wear heavy compression, the support stockings available at department stores will be insufficient. You will be told the best places to purchase what you need.

Varicose veins develop most frequently on the feet and the legs. The damaged veins are often swollen, discolored or raised. You may feel discomfort if the vein is deep enough beneath your skin. Spider veins are close to your skin’s surface, usually blue, purple or red and much smaller than varicose veins. In rare instances, this procedure is used for the treatment of other venous issues.

Varicose veins can form in numerous areas including:

• Calves
• Feet
• Thighs
• Rectum
• Esophagus
• Vagina

In most cases, this treatment is performed for cosmetic reasons. Spider veins and varicose veins are rarely a contributing factor for a health issue. The majority of individuals are interested in treatment because of visible spider veins or dilated varicose veins. Most individuals do not like the way their legs appear. Numerous individuals have stated they feel like they are walking using their grandmother’s legs. This treatment enables you to reach your goals because it is extremely effective for decreasing or eliminating spider veins and varicose veins. Most individuals who have had this treatment were satisfied with their results and felt better about their appearance. The majority of spider veins and varicose veins are a cosmetic issue. In some instances, the result is pain and aching. These symptoms can be relieved using this popular treatment.

The Procedure for Sclerotherapy

The initial step is to schedule a consultation with a medical professional to make certain you are a candidate for this treatment. You may be advised to stop shaving your legs or using lotion prior to your procedure to reduce any irritation. You can ask where to purchase a compression stocking for after your treatment if you do not already have this garment. You need to inform the medical professional about any current medical issues or conditions before you have a sclerotherapy procedure. The length of time your treatment will require will depend on the severity of the vein and any venous issues.

If the damaged vein is located far enough under your skin, an ultrasound may be used by the medical professional during your treatment. The area surrounding the damaged vein will be thoroughly cleaned. The injection of the sclerosing agent is made into the damaged veins using state-of-the-art techniques. Once the solution has reached your vein, the walls of your vein will seal closed. This redirects your blood to undamaged veins. Your body will absorb the vein as time passes. The veins will become less visible while your discomfort decreases. The number of treatments necessary depends on the size of the vein and other factors.

Any downtime you experience should be minimal. You should be able to resume most of your normal activities immediately. You will need to wear either compression stockings or compression socks for a set amount of time after your treatment. These should only be removed while you are showering. Staying active is extremely important. The medical professional may advise you not to fly for a few days after the treatment. Most spider veins and varicose veins respond exceptionally well to this treatment. You should start to see the improvement in the weeks after your sclerotherapy procedure.

If you had a larger vein treated, it can take as long as multiple months to see your results. More than one treatment may be necessary to eliminate all of the veins completely. Your expectations regarding the treatment must be realistic. Additional treatments may be necessary to eliminate the visible traces of the veins.

The Many Benefits of Sclerotherapy

Spider veins and varicose veins often draw unwanted attention. If this is damaging your confidence or preventing you from wearing some of your favorite types of clothing, this may be the ideal solution. The treatment provides you with the appearance you desire and can improve your symptoms. The benefits of the procedure include:

• The main benefit of the treatment is improving the cosmetic look of your legs. The bulging and blue veins can be eliminated to provide you with a much healthier and smoother appearance.

• The procedure is minimally-invasive. General anesthesia is not used, and you will not need to remain in a hospital overnight.

• A lot of people will not wear shorts, dresses, skirts or bathing attire due to unwanted veins. After your treatment, you can wear the clothing you want. This results in a boost to your self-confidence because you will no longer need to be concerned with the appearance of blue or bulging veins.

• There is very little preparation required for your treatment.

• Spider veins and varicose veins do not always cause pain. Some individuals are either uncomfortable or do experience pain. The aching and pain linked to varicose veins in the legs is relieved with this treatment.

• The success rate for sclerotherapy is very high. The treated veins can often be eliminated completely over time.

• The treatment is performed on an outpatient basis in the comfort of our office.

• Individuals in good overall health can have this treatment performed safely. The recommendations are you should be in good health, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking and be close to your correct weight.

• Of all the cosmetic procedures currently available, this is one of the safest. You will not need to have surgery, no removal of tissue or skin is necessary and there is absolutely no cutting.

• Your recovery from the procedure is simple and quick.

If you want to have a sclerotherapy treatment, arrange your personal consultation at Shaheen Vascular in Mountain View, CA. We would be more than happy to evaluate your problematic veins and determine if sclerotherapy can work for you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started!

Shaheen Vascular

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