Varicose Vein Treatment in Mountain View & San Jose, CA

Varicose veins affect individuals of all ages and lifestyles. This condition is not only a cosmetic concern but can also lead to discomfort and complications if left untreated. At Shaheen Vascular, serving Mountain View and San Jose, CA, our approach to treating varicose veins involves offering a comprehensive range of options so that we can help each patient who walks through our doors. Whether the treatment involves lifestyle adjustments or more involved solutions, we are equipped to assist.

What Is a Varicose Vein?

A varicose vein is a very common condition where the veins become bigger than usual, swollen, twisted, and overfilled with blood. It is also known as varicosities and can occur in any vein. However, it most commonly affects the veins of the legs and feet. Although it is not always a serious condition, it may indicate a higher risk of other circulatory problems in the patient.

Where Can Varicose Veins Occur?

Varicose veins can appear in various parts of the body, including:

  • Legs (most common)
  • Rectum
  • Pelvis
  • Vagina
  • Uterus
  • Esophagus

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

For some people, a varicose vein may just be a cosmetic concern, but others may experience symptoms of varicose veins like:

  • Highly visible, swollen, lumpy, and misshapen veins usually in the legs
  • Blue or dark purple discoloration of veins
  • Pain, swelling, heaviness, and aches in the legs
  • Swelling, discoloration, or ulcers around the ankles
  • Red, dry, and itchy skin in the affected area
  • Injuries that have longer bleeding than normal
  • Leg cramps

What Causes Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins develop when valves in the veins that regulate blood flow weaken, causing blood to pool rather than circulate efficiently. This phenomenon often leads to varicose vein pain, swelling, and the visible, twisted appearance of the veins. Genetic factors, prolonged standing, obesity, and hormonal changes are among the situations that can exacerbate this issue.

Why Is It Important to Treat Varicose Veins?

A varicose vein is not usually a serious condition and can often be managed by making some lifestyle changes. But in some severe cases, blood clots, inflammation, and ulcers or sores can form in the legs. This is a serious condition as the veins can rupture. For other patients, treatment can help improve aesthetics and make the skin on the legs smoother. 

Our Varicose Vein Treatments

Compression Stockings

For managing varicose veins, compression stockings are often the first line of treatment. These specially designed stockings apply gradual pressure to the legs, enhancing blood flow and alleviating the discomfort associated with varicose veins. They are ideal for patients who experience mild symptoms and seek a non-invasive option.

Laser Treatments

Laser vein removal employs focused light beams to heat and collapse problematic veins, reducing their appearance without incisions or other invasive techniques. This method is precise and suitable for treating specific areas affected by smaller varicose veins. Recovery from laser treatments is typically quick, allowing patients to return to daily activities with minimal downtime.

Ligation and Stripping

This surgical approach to alleviating varicose vein pain involves tying off veins and removing them through small incisions. Ligation and stripping is reserved for severe cases where other treatments might not be effective. While this method is more invasive, it can provide immediate and long-term relief from symptoms.


Sclerotherapy is a widely used varicose vein treatment that involves injecting a solution directly into the vein, causing it to scar and reroute blood through healthier veins. The collapsed vein eventually fades over time. This treatment is often effective for moderately sized veins and can reduce vein visibility and discomfort.

Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation uses radio waves to generate heat and close off varicose veins. A catheter is inserted into the vein, delivering radiofrequency energy that shrinks and seals the vein wall. This treatment is minimally invasive and may be used for veins that are too large for sclerotherapy but too small for ligation and stripping.


The VeinGogh treatment is an innovative option designed to eliminate smaller varicose veins using microburst technology that applies intense heat. This technology is highly effective for fine, thread-like veins on the face and legs, offering a cosmetic improvement with minimal discomfort and no downtime.

Frequently Asked Questions About Varicose Vein Treatment

Which Varicose Vein Treatment Is Right for Me?

The appropriate treatment for your varicose veins will depend on various factors, including the severity of your condition, the specific veins affected, and your overall health. A consultation will help us determine the most effective approach for your needs.

Will My Varicose Veins Return?

There is a possibility that new varicose veins may develop even after treatment, as genetic factors and lifestyle influence the condition. However, treatments like sclerotherapy and radiofrequency ablation provide lasting relief for many patients, especially since the treated veins themselves will not reappear. Continuing with preventive measures and follow-up care can reduce the likelihood of recurrence.

How Can I Prevent Varicose Veins?

Preventing further varicose veins involves lifestyle adjustments that improve circulation and vein health. Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding prolonged periods of sitting or standing, and wearing compression stockings can all help manage and reduce the risk of developing varicose veins. Annual check-ups can also help you detect early signs of venous issues and allow for earlier intervention.

Are Varicose Vein Treatments Painful?

Our treatments for varicose veins are all designed to minimize pain, and we can use local or topical anesthetics to help. However, some treatments come with some discomfort. The amount of discomfort depends on the invasiveness of the treatment and the tolerance of the patient. It is important to maintain clear communication with us throughout your treatment so we can make you as comfortable as possible.

Address Your Varicose Veins With Our Treatments

Treating varicose veins effectively enhances your vascular health and can reduce symptoms and improve aesthetics. At Shaheen Vascular, we offer advanced solutions for patients in Mountain View and San Jose, CA, to help manage and treat venous conditions. For the best varicose vein treatment, book an appointment with Dr. Shaheen now! Fill out our online form or call us at (650) 965-1909 to schedule your consultation.