SculpSure in Mountain View & San Jose, CA

At Advanced BioSculpt, Dr. Shaheen uses innovative procedures to help each patient achieve the desired outcome. If you are looking for a solution to the stubborn fat situated around your midsection, love handles, and pockets of fat located in other areas of your body, Dr. Shaheen may recommend SculpSure.

What is SculpSure?

SculpSure is an FDA-approved, non-invasive body contouring procedure that melts away fat using lasers. This innovative procedure targets fat cells and permanently destroys them during a 25-minute session, without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Who is an ideal candidate for SculpSure

SculpSure’s is ideal for people who are in good health overall but are still struggling to eliminate pockets of stubborn fat located around the flanks and abdomen. The treatment is most effective for patients who follow a healthy diet and exercise plan but can still stand to lose some weight. SculpSure’s is not recommended for people who fall under the category of medically obese.

How does the SculpSure procedure work?

SculpSure uses lasers to target and destroy pockets of fat beneath the skin’s surface. During the procedure, the laser device is strapped to a targeted area of fat while the patient is treated in a relaxed and reclined position.

Unlike other fat-loss procedures that cause discomfort from freezing or suction, SculpSure is non-invasive and does not sting, pinch or burn. Patients may experience a deep warmth or tingling sensation, but this is typically well-tolerated.

During the procedure, fat cells are heated beyond repair, and over time the body will break them down and remove them. SculpSure treatment is different from traditional dietary fat loss, during which the fat cells shrink, but their quantity remains the same. When using SculpSure, the actual number of fat cells is decreased, which results in a more permanent fat-loss effect.

The procedure lasts approximately 25 minutes and requires no downtime. After receiving treatment, patients are free to continue their daily routine. A single 25-minute treatment can destroy up to 24% of fat cells in problem areas.

For best results, multiple sessions of SculpSure’s are typically recommended. Results are usually seen in 6-12 weeks after the treatment.

Benefits of SculpSure

  • No recovery time
  • Non-invasive procedure
  • Treatment takes just 25 minutes
  • Destroys up to 24% of fat cells in a problem area per session
  • Results in 6-12 weeks

Set up your consultation with Dr. Shaheen to see if SculpSure is right for you!