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How Does Ultherapy Work?

If your skin has been affected by the aging process and you’ve begun to notice wrinkles, skin laxity, and some of the other more noticeable signs of aging but aren’t ready to commit to an invasive procedure to correct those concerns, we can help. At Shaheen Vascular & Advanced Biosculpt in Mountain View, CA, we offer an innovative anti-aging treatment that’s been called the non-surgical facelift, and it’s called ultherapy.

How Does Ultherapy Work?

Ultherapy has been called a non-surgical facelift because while it won’t give you the same results as a facelift, it will deliver visibly tighter, lifted, younger-looking skin. This treatment works because it uses ultrasound energy to target the deepest layers of the skin to force the body to cause existing collagen to contract.

However, not only does it cause a collagen tightening effect, but it also helps the body produce more collagen and elastin to help reverse some of the more noticeable signs of aging. This treatment works according to natural and scientific principles, and the body responds to the treatment by healing and rejuvenating the skin from the inside out.

A Non-Surgical Solution to Aging

One of the benefits of ultherapy is that it is completely non-surgical. It doesn’t require any cutting or invasive techniques. There’s nothing surgical about it, and the entire treatment can be performed without ever having to insert a needle or device below the skin’s surface.

The Power of Ultrasound Energy

Ultrasound energy is also known as sound energy. You may be familiar with ultrasound energy if you’ve been pregnant and had ultrasounds during your prenatal visits. When used in the cosmetic world, ultrasound energy is an effective way to restore youth to your skin. As the sound waves travel into the deeper layers of the skin, they will help the body fight back against aging.

The treatment isn’t haphazard but instead is completely precision-based and detailed. The device itself is attached to a digital imaging screen, so when the applicator makes contact with your skin, a thermal image of your skin will appear on the screen so that your technician can move the handpiece. In doing so, the device will deliver the ultrasound energy accordingly to target your specific areas of concern.

The Treatment Areas

Skin laxity results when the body begins to produce less collagen and elastin, and as a result, the skin’s structure becomes weaker and may even appear loose or as if it’s sagging and drooping. While most people begin to notice this obvious sign of aging as soon as it affects their complexion, it also affects different areas of the body.

We can use this innovative treatment to address skin laxity on both the face and the body. The most common treatment areas include the neck, chest, jawline, brows, and cheeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens During the Appointment?

Once we confirm you’re a good candidate for ultherapy, we can schedule your actual treatment. Most patients only need one treatment to achieve their desired results; others may need a few depending on the condition of the area they want to treat and the number of areas they want to treat. When you come into the office, you’ll be situated in a treatment room and a comfortable position. Depending on your needs, we may apply a topical numbing solution to your skin.

A Comfortable, Painless Treatment

You will simply feel a warm, tingling sensation during the treatment itself as the device makes contact with your skin. Before beginning the actual treatment process, your technician will apply ultrasound gel to your treatment area so that the device can make contact with your skin and deliver the digital image to the screen. Once the image appears, your technician will be able to view the deeper layers of your skin and treat them according to your ultimate needs.

She will be able to redirect ultrasound energy as needed into areas that have experienced the most collagen loss over time. The digitial imaging is one of the reasons that this treatment is so effective because it can be carefully customized to your exact needs. Your technician can use it to deliver extra energy to specific areas and spend extra time focusing on the areas where you desire the most skin rejuvenation and increased collagen and elastin production.

When Will I See Results?

Some patients notice immediate results, which is due in part to the fact that the ultrasound energy causes the collagen to contract where it grows in the deeper layers of the skin. Patients who notice immediate results feel as though their skin looks healthier, tighter, and lifted.

However, while you can see some initial results, the best and most noticeable results will come several weeks after your treatment when your body begins to create more collagen, and the effects of that process become more visible.

Collagen Production Takes Time

Collagen doesn’t grow quickly; it takes time. However, when it does, you’ll notice some impressive changes in the appearance of your skin. You’ll see fewer wrinkles, lines, facial folds, and improved skin elasticity. Your skin will look and be tighter and firmer, and while you won’t get the same results that you would were you to undergo a facelift, you’ll get the next best thing without ever having to undergo a surgical procedure to improve your skin.

Scheduling Maintenance Treatments

While you won’t need multiple treatments to achieve your desired results, you will get long-lasting results, but eventually, the aging process will begin to affect your skin, and when that happens, you don’t need to get discouraged. Instead, you can schedule another treatment to once again help your body increase collagen and elastin production.

What Are the Benefits?

One of the main benefits of ultherapy is that it’s completely non-surgical. It initiates collagen-building, a process called neocollagenesis, to help combat the signs of aging and improve the skin. More patients are turning to this innovative treatment to improve their appearance and help increase their confidence while also achieving visible and noticeable results.

There’s No Downtime

Surgical procedures and even many minimally invasive treatments require that patients plan for downtime. When you schedule an Ultherapy treatment, you won’t have to plan around any downtime. You won’t have to take time off of work or even rearrange your schedule to accommodate your treatment or the post-care directives. Instead, you’ll be able to get back to your daily life as soon as your treatment is over.

It’s Natural

Neocollagenesis is a natural and effective process that helps heal and rejuvenate the skin from the inside out. If you’re wary of scheduling specific anti-aging skincare treatments or procedures because you’re not sure how they could affect your body or your skin, you’ll love this one because it’s completely natural. It uses ultrasound energy to create new collagen so that you can achieve that softer and youthful-looking appearance.

It Works

Ultherapy delivers results. While the results will appear gradually, they will be noticeable and visible. They will help you say goodbye to the signs of aging that have been making you feel less confident or discouraged about your appearance. Many patients begin investing in new skincare products as soon as they begin to notice some of the more visible signs of aging on their face and body, but often skincare isn’t enough.

You need a solution, something that can force the body to create new collagen to improve your skin’s appearance at the deepest level. And that’s exactly what this treatment will do.

Who Is a Candidate?

Men and women who are unhappy with how aging has begun to affect their skin can schedule this procedure to lift and tighten loose skin without ever having to undergo an invasive procedure to do so. Some patients have visible skin laxity, others want to get one step ahead of the aging process, and while their lines and wrinkles are not extremely visible, they see them when they look in the mirror and want to do something to reverse aging.

The best candidates are those who want to combat aging without undergoing a surgical procedure. Additionally, the best candidates will have realistic expectations about the procedure, their outcome, and what it can and cannot accomplish. Pregnant women will not qualify for this treatment until they are cleared by their doctor.

Lift and Tighten Your Skin the Natural Way

If you’re looking for an effective non-surgical solution to the aging process, ultherapy is the perfect option. Our experts will help create a treatment plan that, once you begin, will help you experience drastic results within two to 3 months of beginning that process. Contact us today at Shaheen Vascular & Advanced Biosculpt in Mountain View, CA, to learn more.

Shaheen Vascular

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