Hand Rejuvenation: Know the Benefits that this treatment brings you?

When you think of the natural aging process, what do you think of? Most people think of the impact of aging on their face, such as wrinkles, and volume loss. However, the normal aging process can cause unwanted changes on all areas of the body, including your hands! Just as there are treatments available to treat the effects of aging on the face, there are hand rejuvenation treatments available. Learn how sclerotherapy may be used to achieve a smoother, refreshed appearance for your hands during a consultation with our team at Shaheen Vascular in Monterey or Mountain View, CA!

What Is Hand Rejuvenation?

Hand rejuvenation is a type of sclerotherapy on hands treatment to reduce unwanted signs of aging and promote a refreshed appearance of the backs of hands. Skin naturally becomes thinner, weaker, develops aging spots, and draws more attention to bulging veins in the hand and wrist.

Sclerotherapy hands is a popular vein treatment. This safe and effective treatment involves injecting a special solution (Polidocanol) into varicose veins and spider veins, causing them to close and re-route to other, healthier veins. The vein eventually fades, creating a smoother appearance.

What Could I Expect from a Sclerotherapy Hand Treatment?

Hand sclerotherapy involves injecting a FDA approved chemical (Polidoconol) into the vein in order to collapse the unsightly vein(s) of interest.

There is no set downtime associated with treatment, and you should be able to return to your normal daily activities. Compression gloves help reduce any inflammation and swelling that may be present. You may notice some bruising, redness, or spots in the treatment area.

Results achieved with using sclerotherapy for hand rejuvenation will vary for each person. However, most people begin to notice some initial results after treatment, but enjoy the best results after a few months. Not only does sclerotherapy offer cosmetic benefits, but it may also reduce any pain or swelling associated with the veins.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sclerotherapy for Hand Rejuvenation?

As sclerotherapy is an injectable treatment, it can be used to reduce the appearance of veins for most people with a variety of skin tones and types. It is important to remember this method of hand rejuvenation is intended to reduce the appearance of veins and may not address other concerns.

A consultation with our team at either of our California locations can help determine if you may be able to benefit from our rejuvenation treatments. Most generally healthy adults who are unhappy with the appearance of their hands but have realistic goals and expectations for treatments may be good candidates.

What Other Treatments Are Available for Hand Rejuvenation?

  • Micro-phlebectomy (removing small segments of veins through very tiny needle access sites)
  • Hand filler (to add back volume)
  • Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatments​ to improve skin texture, promote collagen deposition, and treat age spots.

Schedule Your Consultation!

If you feel that your hands have aged faster than you, we are here to help! Contact us today at Shaheen Vascular and schedule your consultation to learn more about a complete hand rejuvenation evaluation! Dr. Shaheen and his dedicated team, proudly serve California with locations in Monterey and Mountain View. We look forward to helping you achieve the rejuvenated appearance you desire!