Does SculpSure Really Work?
Yes, this treatment really does work. It can be used to destroy stubborn fat cells all over the body. Clinical studies have shown that just a single treatment can reduce fat by an average of 24 percent. The hips, arms, thighs, abdomen, and lower back are all areas that are frequently addressed with this treatment system. SculpSure can even be used to get rid of extra fullness that develops under the chin and along the jawline.
And that’s not all. In addition to getting rid of unwanted fat, this treatment system encourages your body’s production of collagen and elastin, which means your skin will take on a smooth, rejuvenated appearance.
How Does It Work?
This treatment uses laser energy to blast away pockets of stubborn fat. The heat generated by the lasers damages fat cells beyond repair, and they then pass naturally from your body on their own. An external applicator is used to direct the laser energy to the area of concern, which means this treatment is completely non-invasive.
What Is Treatment Like?
These treatments are popular because they’re easy, convenient, and pain-free. We’ll start by taking some measurements and making some light marks on your skin that will serve as reference points during your session. The machine used during treatment is octopus-like in appearance. It has four tubes, each of which ends in an applicator that rests against the area of the body being treated.
You’ll recline comfortably as the applicators are strapped to the treatment area and begin directing laser energy. You’ll initially experience coolness, but as the laser energy does its work you may start to feel a comfortable warmth and tingling. Most treatments last about 25 minutes, and patients often spend their time reading or relaxing.
How Will the Applicators Be Placed?
The four applicators will be placed against your body in an arrangement that best addresses your cosmetic concerns. If the abdomen is your primary concern, we can place all four applicators in that area for a deep treatment.
If you’re concerned about your thighs or flanks, we may place two applicators against each thigh or flank. The applicators don’t involve any suction, so you won’t experience any stinging or burning.
Should I Set Aside Time for Recovery?
This is a highly convenient treatment that does not require any time for recovery. Some patients even schedule their sessions during their lunch hour.
After your appointment, you’ll be able to immediately return to your normal work and exercise schedule. In fact, exercising the same day as your treatment is a great way of encouraging your body to start flushing those fat cells away.
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
The number of sessions you need ultimately depends on how much fat you’re looking to get rid of. A single treatment is sometimes enough to rein in a small problem area. But if you want to more aggressively tackle a larger area, or treat more than one area, two or three sessions may be recommended. We’ll recommend a treatment plan during your initial consultation.
How Soon Will I See Results?
Although the laser heat will kill fat cells during your appointment, it takes some time for the body to flush those cells out. Many patients start to see improvement in the treatment area roughly six weeks after their session. It usually takes about 12 weeks for results to fully develop.
Will My Results Be Permanent?
Yes. This treatment will kill off fat cells and permanently remove them from your body. You won’t have to worry about those fat cells returning. But it will be up to you to maintain your new look by eating right and exercising regularly.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
You’re Already in Pretty Good Shape
The best candidates are in reasonably good shape but are looking for a little help in slimming down a problem spot or two. Patients often have a body mass index of less than 30. They are not significantly overweight, but they could still stand to shape up a little. This treatment is not intended for those who are obese.
You Want More Control
Even if you’re eating right, exercising, and taking good care of your body, you may find that some areas just won’t shape up. A body shaping treatment like SculpSure allows you to take control of your figure.
It can help you slim down problem areas while keeping the curvaceous parts of your body you want to preserve. This treatment system can give you the trim, fit, youthful silhouette you’ve long wanted.
You’re Generally Healthy
Ideal candidates are generally healthy and free of any significant underlying conditions. Patients also should not be pregnant.
You Want a Convenient, Easy Treatment
If you want to improve the look of your body, but you’re not interested in surgery or another invasive treatment, SculpSure is an ideal solution. Treatments are gentle, non-invasive, and can be easily worked into a busy schedule.
You Prefer a Customizable Treatment
These treatments can be tailored to meet each patient’s individual needs and concerns. Whether you want to modestly slim down, hone in on one area for significant fat reduction, or tackle multiple areas in varying intensities at once, this treatment can help. This treatment system also complements many of the other services our practice offers.
You Can Wait for Your Results
Because it can take several weeks for the destroyed fat cells to flush out of the body, this treatment system does not offer a fast fix. If you’re looking to slim down quickly before a high school reunion or a friend’s wedding, this treatment system won’t offer the immediate improvement you’re looking for.
But if you’re patient and are willing to wait several weeks for your results to develop, this treatment system is ideal. Most patients find that the results they get are well worth the wait.
You’re Realistic
The best patients understand this treatment and realize that while it will noticeably improve their figure, the results will be less drastic than surgery.
You’re Ready to Feel Great About Yourself
We all have spots that just won’t seem to shape up no matter how conscientious we are about our lifestyle. This laser-based treatment makes it possible to finally tame those spots and achieve a silhouette you can be proud of. Patients who have undergone this treatment report a boost in self-confidence.
SculpSure Q&A
Is This Treatment Safe?
Yes. This treatment won FDA approval in 2015 and has been widely and safely used ever since.
Will It Address Cellulite?
As fat accumulates beneath the skin, it puts pressure on the fibrous bands that connect the skin to the muscle that lies beneath. That pressure leads to the dimpled skin that sculpsure for cellulite is best known for.
While Sculpsure cellulite gets rid of unwanted fat, it doesn’t specifically tackle cellulite. If you’re concerned about cellulite, our practice offers Cellfina, a treatment that specifically targets this skin condition.
What If I Have Tattoos?
Tattoos don’t pose a problem for this treatment system. The laser heat this system generates will not distort or destroy your tattoos.
Will This Help Me Lose Weight?
SculpSure won’t help you lose a significant amount of weight, but it’s a great way of targeting small areas with stubborn fat. This treatment is best viewed as a body contouring system that can correct spots that you need help with. If weight loss is your primary concern, a traditional weight loss plan or bariatric surgery may better meet your needs.
Can This Treatment Be Used Along the Bra Line?
Yes. This treatment system can reduce the fullness that sometimes develops along that bra line and on a patient’s back. If you’re looking for a way to tone down that fullness so that your body looks smoother and sleeker in blouses and bathing suits, this treatment can help.
What Can I Do to Ensure a Successful Outcome?
Massaging the treatment area after your appointment is a way of increasing blood flow and encouraging those damaged fat cells to flush from your system. Self-massage won’t necessarily improve your results, but it will help your body escort those unwanted fat cells out.
And the massage doesn’t have to be excessive. Gently rubbing the treatment for five or ten minutes twice a day for a couple of weeks after your appointment should be enough. Staying well hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids is another step you can take to encourage your body to flush those fat cells away.
And once your results have developed, committing to a healthy lifestyle is the best way to maintain the sleek new figure this treatment gives you. This treatment should not be viewed as a substitute for regular exercise and a healthy diet.
Should I Shave Before Treatment?
If you have hair in the area of concern that is longer than an inch, shaving before your session may be helpful because of the close contact the applicator will make. During your consultation, we can make a recommendation about whether or not you should shave in advance.
Can I Sunbathe After Treatment?
Since this treatment targets the fat cells that lie at least a half-inch beneath the surface of the skin, sunbathing poses no problem after treatment. But we do recommend that you wait at least seven days after treatment to sunbathe, and you should not lie in the sun during the week before your appointment.
Can I Drink Alcohol After This Treatment?
Yes. There is no need to wait a certain amount of time after your appointment to drink alcohol.
Can Both Men and Women Take Advantage of This Treatment?
Yes. Patients of both genders come to us looking for help in resolving problem spots. Fortunately, this treatment works well for both genders.
How Can I Get Started?
If you’re interested in pursuing this treatment, the first step is to schedule a consultation with our practice. During this session, we’ll evaluate your area of concern and talk with you about what you’re hoping to accomplish. Our staff can help determine if this treatment is the best approach for you.
Are You Ready to Take Your Body to the Next Level?
If you’re ready to finally take action and get rid of problem spots that just won’t seem to budge, we can help. This laser-based treatment system is a convenient, painless, and effective way of melting fat away. What are you waiting for? Call R. Shaheen Vascular in Mountain View, CA and schedule your SculpSure consultation today!